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How much does it Cost to Study in China for Pakistani students?

How much does it Cost to Study in China for Pakistani students

China is one of the most affordable options for Pakistani students considering studying abroad, especially compared to European countries where the cost of living and tuition are significantly expensive. China offers a wide range of higher education programs with affordable tuition fees and low living expenses. Before preparing for your higher studies journey in China, it is essential to estimate the costs involved. Listed below are all the expenses you will encounter. How much will the total cost to study in China for Pakistani students, from admission to arrival, and during your studies in China?

During Admission till to arrival: Expenses for Pakistani students to study in China

There are various types of expenses that Pakistani students need to pay from the admission process until they arrive in China.

Application Fee

The Application fee is submitted online through PayPal or Bank transfer to the admission office of the specific university you choose. The average cost for applying to study in China is $50-$100 ( approximately PKR 13,500 to PKR 27900). The fee is compulsory and not refundable. You can check the official websites of the selected Chinese universities.

Visa Fee

Once the JW202 form is issued by the Chinese government, Pakistani students need to apply for a student visa. Application costs typically range from $40 to $100 (approximately PKR 11,500 to PKR 15,000)

Health insurance

Health insurance is mandatory for Pakistani students studying in China. Health insurance on an annual basis costs around $55-$70 USD (approximately PKR 15,400 to PKR 19,500).

Flight Ticket to China

The flight ticket from Pakistan to China depends on the cities of departure, the average estimated amount for a flight to China is approximately PKR 240,500 in 2025.

Tuition Fees: Private vs Public University in China

The Tuition fees to study in China for Pakistani students depend on the University they choose. It can vary depending on the programs.  There are two types of Universities in China: public universities and Private universities, and the tuition fees at both are significantly different as outlined below:

Public universities in China

Public universities in China offer a wide variety of higher studies programs and generally have low tuition fees compared to Private universities.

Undergraduate Programs: The average tuition fee for undergraduate programs ranges between $2,500 to $5,000 (approximately PKR 697,300 to 1,400,000).

Postgraduate Programs: The average tuition fee for Master’s and Ph.D. programs typically ranges between $4,091 to $6,800 USD (approximately PKR 8,368,300 to PKR 1800,000)

Private universities in China

Private universities in China generally have higher Tuition fees compared to Public universities.

Undergraduate Program: The undergraduate program fee structure typically ranges between $400 to USD 800 (approximately PKR 1118,700 to PKR 2238,200) depending upon each program. 

Postgraduate Program: The postgraduate program, which includes Master’s and PhD programs, has an average tuition fee typically ranging between $6,000 to $12,000 USD (approximately PKR 1677,000 to PKR 1678,000 to PKR 3,346,000) depending on the specific program.

Tuition fee for English taught vs Chineses-taught higher programs

The tuition fee for English-taught and Chinese-taught higher education programs at universities in China differ. Many international students prefer to study in English-taught universities as the programs are taught in English.

English-taught Programs: The English-taught programs are designed for a better understanding of Pakistani students who may not be able to understand Chinese.

Undergraduate Programs: The average tuition fee for undergraduate programs generally ranges between $3,000 to $7,000 USD (approximately PKR 840,000 to PKR 1962,000) annually.

Postgraduate Programs: For English-taught Master’s and PhD programs generally tuition fees range between $5,000 to $12,000 USD (approximately PKR 1400,000 to PKR 3,340,000) annually.

Chineses-Taught Programs

The Programs taught in Chinese are generally significantly lower compared to English-taught programs. Undergraduate Programs: The average tuition fee for Chinese-taught undergraduate programs typically ranges between $2,000 to $ 5,000 USD ( approximately between $3,000 to $6,000 USD (approximately PKR 840,000 to PKR 1678,000) annually.

Postgraduate Programs: The average tuition fee for Chineses-taught postgraduate programs typically ranges between $3,000 to $6,000 USD (approximately PKR 840,000 to PKR 1670,000 ) annually

Living Cost: Urban vs small cities of China

The living expenses in China depend upon the city you are living in and what types of accommodation you choose. The living expenses in Urban cities are significantly higher compared with the small cities of China. 

Accommodation costs in Urban cities

 The average rent for a private apartment in an Urban area ranges between $300 to $500 USD (approximately PKR 84,600 to PKR 139,471) per month.

  • Shared dormitories in urban cities in China range between $100 to $200 USD (approximately PKR 27,890 to PKR 55,790) per month.
  • Accommodation cost in small cities of China: The average cost for a private apartment in small cities ranges between $150 to $300 (approximately PKR 41,760 to PKR 84,600) per month.

Accommodation costs in small cities

The shared public dormitories in small cities range between $50 to $200 USD (approximately PKR 14,000 to PKR 57,00) per month.

Cost of Food in China for Pakistani students

The food expense for Pakistani students in China in one month depends upon whether they are dining out or self-cooking at home Dining Out: The average meal at Chinese restaurants typically costs $3 to $7 USD(approximately PKR 800 to PKR 2,000). The average per month the total expense of dining out food can cost around $300 to $500 USD (approximately PKR 83,500 to PKR 139,300) 

Self-Cooking at Home: The average cost for meals grocery typically ranges from $150 to $300 per month (approximately PKR 41,767 to PKR 83,500)

Transportation costs for Pakistani students studying in China

The transportation fees may be encountered while studying in China for Pakistani students typically depending on the city and whether Public or Private transportation is used. 

Public Transportation: Public transportation in China is cheap. A single ride on public transport typically costs around $0.30 to $1 USD (approximately PKR 80 to PKR 280). The average monthly public transportation typically ranges from $20 to $30 USD (approximately PKR 25,000 to PKR 75,00.

Private Transportation: Private transportation in China is significantly more expensive than Public transport. The single taxi ride can cost around $2 to $5 USD (approximately AED 850 to PKR 13,00). 

Additional experiences during studies in China for Pakistani students

There are a few additional expenses that Pakistani students may encounter while studying in China. These expenses will vary depending on their personal lifestyle choices.

  • Study material including books, notes, and other academic materials, can average around $30 to $50 ( approximately PKR 8000 to PKR 13,900) per month.
  • The internet packages or Wi-Fi packages can cost around $10 to $20 (approximately PKR 28,000 to PKR 5,600) per month.
  • Entertainment expenses, such as dining out, watching movies, shopping, and exploring places can cost you around $50 to $200 USD (approximately PKR 56,00 to PKR 55,700) per month.

FAQs: Addressing Your Questions

The average tuition fee for higher studies programs in Public universities in China ranges between $2,500 to $5,000, while for Private universities, the tuition fees range between $400 to $800 USD.

As China offers a wide variety of higher studies programs generally ranges between $3,000 to $7,000 USD, while Chineses-taught programs have tuition fees ranging between $$2,000 to $ 5,000 USD.

As China offers a wide variety of higher studies programs at a highly affordable tuition fee, meeting international standards of education,  it is a better option to study in China compared to Western countries, where living expenses are significantly higher.

The flight ticket cost to study in China for Pakistani students depends on the city of departure. The average estimated cost is approximately PKR 240,500.

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